The beautiful and talented Lacey Mosley had a hard childhood and teen life. She got married and got divorced very soon after the marriage. She never mentions the man's name or why they got divorced, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that Lacey Mosley is happily married. That's right, she's married. Shes's married to Joshua Sturm. They where married on September 6 2008. Joshua Sturm represents a guitarist for the band Kairos. They both are Christians and love to be around together. In April, 9, 2011, Lacey and Joshua had a son named Joshua "Jack" Lewis Sturm. Lacey now feels her life is complete, and the way it was meant to be. From her past she know understands, This was what was waiting for her. Lacey could't be happier with her life. " I've learned recently to love imperfection a lot because it shines such a big light on god's grace. And if someone has grace for you that's when you feel their love the most and they see you for who you are and they love you anyway". Lacey still plays in flyleaf and is still the lead singer. She writes her lyrics from things of her past to make a point or to reach out to somebody else. She wants to help people or teens that where in her place and have been through what she's been through. She wants to stop teens from, self harming or depression or suicide thoughts. Lacey still goes on tour and has even made a new CD. Her songs are getting better and so is the band. She has saved many teems with her music and that is amazing. She's an idol to a lot of people, just like myself. A bad past doesn't mean you got to go on being a bad person, you've learn from what happened, and it makes the best of you.
That's a good thing that she thinks her life's complete and is starting a family!