Lacey Mosley grew up with her 6 siblings and her single mother. She also had it rough at school, she was picked on a lot. The lord was mentioned a lot in her family, but with all the depression and horrible things going on, Lacey just didn't believe it. She didn't understand that why god would let bad things happen, after the murder of her 3 year old cousin. Lacey decided there was no god in her life, she started to not care about anything, she hated everything and everyone. She claims she was a "bad kid". But it wasn't to long till something amazing was waiting for Lacey. Even though Lacey was planning on committing suicide, her plan would't prevail after all. Lacey's grandmother forced her to go to church. But this is when Lacey's life changed forever.
At church strange things started to happen, After a long boring talk that left Lacey uninterested, the priest suddenly said " I'm going to change my sermon." He started to describe Lacey's life. She found it odd and creepy. Then he spoke" There's a suicidal spirit in the room". Lacey was getting ready to leave church when the priest touched her shoulder and said" The lord wanted me to speak with you". Lacey listened to the man explain how god understood what Lacey had been through, and how god wanted to drive the pain away. He asked Lacey to pray with him, afterwards the mad gave Lacey a hug. "It felt like god wrapped his arms around me". I can relate to Lacey's past because of her depression, and feeling like there's nothing in the world. Her feeling of emptiness of wanting to find something, but being left without hope, in till you find the thing or one you've been searching for.|0;d|PKzS7qJGtDn5PM:
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