Friday, November 30, 2012

The history of tattoos

Tattoo's began almost over 5000 years ago, Tattoos have 2 derivations from Tahitian "Tatau", which means to " mark something". The other word is the word " Ta", in Polynesian which means " striking something". Tattoos are made by injecting color materials under the skins surface. However the first tattoo was created by accident.
Someone had a tiny cut on themselves, they're hands where dirty from soot from ashes, and they had touched they're wound. After the wound was healed, there was a permanent mark on them, that would't work. Tattoos have become very popular over the   Years, they've been used for war, to mark the soldiers.  
So the soldiers could tell each other apart, and they have been used for marking of tribes, For the chief of tribes and for knowing the rank among the tribe or a persons special marking. In India the red marking of a women's head is a sort of tattoo, it means that women is married or a sign of a goddess, 
Lacey has a few tattoos of her own, and they mean something to her.
Lacey has 3 tattoos of her own, she has one on her ankle, and the back of her shoulder,   And one on her forearm. The tattoo on her ankle is a swan, the tattoo on her back is Holy Trinity and a dove, the one on her forearm means the most to her, the tattoo says " Beulah" which in Hebrew means "married and protected by god". 
She got the tattoo from the bible "Isaiah 62:4". 
Tattoo's can also mean a symbol for something, as Lacey's does for hers..
Tattoo's can be painful depending on the spot you get it and depend on how your pain level is.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lacey's Quotes

Lacey Mosley loves writing and thinking of quotes. She loves making quotes from things out of personal life. And it's amazing to be so open like that. Her quotes have lot's of deep respect and meaning about them, not Just from out of her childhood, but about god also. Her quotes kinda hand out advice in a term to. But that's also what quotes do, they can be funny, romantic or whatever, they can be quotes to save your life even. Because sometimes, quotes can mean more then just words.
So I'm going to to teach you how to write quotes like Lacey Mosley.
First thing to remember about quotes is about the passion, and to make them honest and true. Quotes can't be quotes without meaning behind them. Make the quotes from your heart. Be creative, Quotes need to be unique. Here are the steps to writing a quote.

Step 1: Actually want to write a quote, Don't do it just because it sounds cool.
Step 2: Turn on some music, or read something, or go into some deep thought about your ideal quote.
Step 3: Play around and write ideas down, you never know what you may come up with!
Step 4: Add the finishing touches to your quote, make it how long you want it.
Step 5: Your quote is finished!

Writing quotes is fun and inspirational, You can come up with something that may strike somebody's lives. Some people follow quotes, so you may just end up making a famous quote.
Lacey Mosley has tons of quotes she's written throughout her life, you can check them out! Some of them are very good and so inspirational!.

 Happy writing!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Event's in Lacey's life

The beautiful and talented Lacey Mosley had a hard childhood and teen life. She got married and got divorced very soon after the marriage. She never mentions the man's name or why they got divorced, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that Lacey Mosley is happily married. That's right, she's married. Shes's married to Joshua Sturm. They where married on September 6 2008. Joshua Sturm represents a guitarist for the band Kairos. They both are Christians and love to be around together. In April, 9, 2011, Lacey and Joshua had a son named Joshua "Jack" Lewis Sturm. Lacey now feels her life is complete, and the way it was meant to be. From her past she know understands, This was what was waiting for her. Lacey could't be happier with her life. " I've learned recently to love imperfection a lot because it shines such a big light on god's grace. And if someone has grace for you that's when you feel their love the most and they see you for who you are and they love you anyway".  Lacey still plays in flyleaf and is still the lead singer. She writes her lyrics from things of her past to make a point or to reach out to somebody else. She wants to help people or teens that where in her place and have been through what she's been through. She wants to stop teens from, self harming or depression or suicide thoughts. Lacey still goes on tour and has even made a new CD. Her songs are getting better and so is the band. She has saved many teems with her music and that is amazing. She's an idol to a lot of people, just like myself. A bad past doesn't mean you got to go on being a bad person, you've learn from what happened, and it makes the best of you.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lacey Mosley's childhood

Lacey Mosley grew up with her 6 siblings and her single mother. She also had it rough at school, she was picked on a lot. The lord was mentioned a lot in her family, but with all the depression and horrible things going on, Lacey just didn't believe it. She didn't understand that why god would let bad things happen, after the murder of her 3 year old cousin. Lacey decided there was no god in her life, she started to not care about anything, she hated everything and everyone. She claims she was a "bad kid". But it wasn't to long till something amazing was waiting for Lacey. Even though Lacey was planning on committing suicide, her plan would't prevail after all. Lacey's grandmother forced her to go to church. But this is when Lacey's life changed forever.
At church strange things started to happen, After a long boring talk that left Lacey uninterested, the priest suddenly said " I'm going to change my sermon." He started to describe Lacey's life. She found it odd and creepy. Then he spoke" There's a suicidal spirit in the room". Lacey was getting ready to leave church when the priest touched her shoulder and said" The lord wanted me to speak with you". Lacey listened to the man explain how god understood what Lacey had been through, and how god wanted to drive the pain away. He asked Lacey to pray with him, afterwards the mad gave Lacey a hug. "It felt like god wrapped his arms around me". I can relate to Lacey's past because of her depression, and feeling like there's nothing in the world. Her feeling of emptiness of wanting to find something, but being left without hope, in till you find the thing or one you've been searching for.|0;d|PKzS7qJGtDn5PM:

Friday, November 9, 2012

The artist life of Lacey Mosley

The artist life of Lacey Mosley.
Lacey Mosley is a lead singer for flyleaf. She grew up with a lot of troubles in her life,But  when it all seemed to be the end, She lifted up like a leaf and flew like she was flying.
Lacey was born on September 4, and grew up in Arlington Texas.
Around age 10, Lacey started doing drugs and got deeper into drugs at the age of 13. She used the drugs to separate her from her family, or to keep everyone away. " It was like a war zone going home she said" When Lacey was 14 years old she got a bass guitar for Christmas and began playing songs from old bands like green day.
When Lacey was 16 years old she was kicked out of the house because of a fight she had with her mother involving the police. Lacey then moved to Gulfport, Mississippi to live with her grandparents. She there found a band that needed a bass player.
Lacey started singing for the band and writing songs. She then picked up guitar and played, In the same year Lacey suffered with depression and had sudicidal tendencies. She had lost everything, including her boyfriend, her brothers and sisters, the drugs she used to do. She felt like she was at the end, so the next day she planned to kill herself
Lacey's grandmother forced her to go to church with her. And then after that Lacey experienced something supernatural with god. Then Lacey deiced to quit her band because of the way the songs fueled her emptiness. Lacey visited her mom in Arlington. There she formed a band named Listen, after a few years the name was changed to flyleaf. I've chosen to write about Lacey Mosley because she's an idol for me.After all she's been through and she's still stand tall. She's finally married and even has a baby boy. I can relate to Lacey's past quite a bit. But you know even if your past isn't good. You have a bright future to look to. You gotta be prepared and willing to make all your dreams come true. Time doesn't last forever, but true dreams will. I also love flyleaf's songs. I love to try my best and sing like them, though I could never scream like she does. She's been though so much but now she's happy with her life, because she believes and has the will to do something.|8;d|hwUB4c6-qCLheM: